CS 373 Fall 2020: Adam Gluch

2 min readOct 12, 2020

What did you do this past week?

My group has done a tremendous amount of work. We wrote our entire database, populated it from various API’s, hosted it on AWS (which ended up being seriously frustrating), and have couple requests set up on the backend. It all ended up being very streamlined and sensible, with each task being more straightforward than I had initially anticipated.

What’s in your way?

We have to wrap up the rest of the backend, but we’ve accomplished a majority of our goals. Other than that my partner and I have a large portion of the OOP project ahead of us. This is my off week for my other classes, so luckily the suite of classes from Downing makes up my whole agenda.

What will you do next week?

Next week is going to consist of studying like a madman to make sure I do well for the exam I have coming up in tandem with wrapping up the projects in time for the deadline. It might be a little stressful but I’m sure I’ll manage. I definitely appreciate having no class on our exam days, and look forward to sleeping in.

If you read it, what did you think of The Open-Closed Principle?

The Open-Closed Principle was really interesting and formally illustrates a lot of concepts and thinking processes that people who programming should know intimately. These were concepts that I’ve seen before, but were definitely nice as a mental reminder. The biggest takeaway for me ended up being “use your better judgment, and always apply judgment.”

What was your experience of iterators, generators, and yield?

Generators and yield were totally new concepts to me. I’m going to have to spend a decent amount of time familiarizing myself with these in time for the exam.

What made you happy this week?

Honestly making major progress on this portion of the project was really satisfying. Seeing how everything tied together, and not getting stuck on anything for more than 2 hours lessened the standard development frustration.

What’s your tip of the week?

I don’t know what everyone’s situation is, but at the moment my reason for doing anything is either related to my schoolwork, or personal hobbies. It just so happens that I like playing videogames on PC which means sometimes I go long periods of time without going outside. Please, for your health, go outside. I’ve been making an effort to get fresh air and sun, and those efforts have been rewarded with more energy, less fatigue, and an overall better mood.

