What did you do this past week?

This past week I took 2 exams, turned in the OOP, finalized phase 3 of the SWE project with my team and proceeded to veg out. The past few weeks have just been straight grinding and the temporary reprieve was really nice.

What’s in your way?

At the moment, not much. The bulk of this class has been the projects and I only really need to make sure I keep up with the exam material. I’m curious to find out what the experience of presenting this type of a semester long project will be like especially since we have tangible evidence of what we did at each checkpoint over the months.

What will you do next week?

Honestly I’m not so sure. Out of my 15 hours I’ve only really planned out what I’m going to do for two of them. OOP is definitely on the list of priorities, while SWE is going to be taking a backseat for a while.

If you read it, what did you think of The Dependency Inversion Principle?

The Dependency Inversion Principle talked about a lot of stuff that comes naturally to me. The most interesting part of computer science to me is the aspect of design, and it really bothers me when I notice others intentionally try to break principles that would lead them to be a better software engineer.

What was your experience of continuing to implement std::vector, move semantics, and allocators again?

The deeper we go into this the more confused I get. This is definitely material that I will need to revisit again on my own time.

What made you happy this week?

I’ve had so many plans fall through because of school over the past several months that I finally saw some quarantined friends this weekend! It’s surreal how much better my mood has been since seeing people in real life. Voice chatting only gets you so far when so much is conveyed with facial expressions.

What’s your tip of the week?

Despite the fact that we’ve been taught about coverage tools in this class already, I think that people tend not to take them seriously. Coverage tools are so incredibly valuable, and I think people are just resistant to change.



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